Checking In With the Doctor
" So I was talking with my friend Butch the other day and he said, ' Lexy, have you ever seen so many fleas this year?'  Of course not, I said, I'm only 1 year old.  But should I know about fleas?  I don't have any.  Do I need to get some?
Insurance card?  Um.....I think my Mama has it......
Has my friend Dixie been in here recently?  She said she had an earache and I just wanted to give you a heads up.  You may want to give her a call.
  Also, I have this scratch on my nose.  My friend Lucy decided she wanted my rawhide but she missed and nipped my nose.
Let's see....Well, my mom wants me to sit still when we are inside and I just think you all need to have a little talk with her.  You know, I'm her first so the doctor still needs to teach her some things......Yes, she's coming right along, but the doctor needs to discuss expectations, and so forth.  Also, can he put in a good word about my getting extra treats?  I heard her telling a friend she didn't want me to get fat but you know I'll run those calories off. 
I know there's more.....  I'm so busy these days with all the playing, napping, eating and all.  
Ah yes, one last thing. The secret we have from all the Mom's and Dad's...Can we go over that again? When people say things like "she's the cutest in the world" and "what a darling", exactly what is it I do?  Do I rub up against their leg or is that the one I cock my head to the side and stare into their eyes?  I'll need more instructions so I don't mess this "cute puppy" thing up.
I think that's it.  I'm ready to see the doctor now."

Hi, Ms. Marg.  Oh I've been fine since our last visit.  Mom said I needed to come in and have my annual shots.  UGH!  Can the doctor give me a sedative? 

OK, I've been thinking about a list of things for you to write down:
Let's see, I had my ear nipped by a new puppy down the street.  How do I get him under control?  He's a pest and everyone says so, but he thinks I'm his big sister.  
What about this snow!  Wow, I thought I would freeze to death but it's been SO much fun diving into it looking for my fresbe and eating it.  Mom puts snow boots on me!   But she dries me off every time we come back inside and that feels great.  
Also, where are the fleas?  Butch told me about them last summer but even he isn't having any problems now.  Did they disappear?
Oh, my relatives...  A lot of my new cousins will be making appointments here.  Let's see, there's Shooter, Mozart, Alex, Tanner, and a few more I can't think of.  They are just babies so, when I get the chance, I will fill them in the the "cute puppy" thing we discussed last time.  
Oh, the insurance is still good and Mom always has her credit card.  It's off to the pet store we go after this.  Yeah!
Ok, I think that's the list.  I'm ready now.

Summer Visit 2010

Winter visit, 2011.

Fall 2012
Ms Marg, you won't believe this!  Mom is thinking about getting another baby puppy!  What will that mean for me?  Will she still love me?  She will?  Are you sure?   I'm not sure, I'll be extra sweet 'cause I don't want to share my Momma.
I will have more fun?  How; what do you mean?  Oh I can play while she's at work and have a brother or sister to talk to when she is tired. That would be great.  I know, I can certainly show my baby the ropes and she can be just like me.  Oh, that seems nice now, like the new puppy would be my little baby and I can help Mom with all the chores and teach Baby so Mom doesn't have to do as much work as she did with me.  That puppy will be potty trained in a New York second.  And we can run in the backyard and play tug of war.
Are you SURE she will still love me as much?
Ok, then let's tell her to go ahead.